Wayne State College

Employee Business Portal


Firefly is Wayne State College's system for faculty and staff leave requests, paycheck, and benefits information, set personal contact information, and travel requests. In Firefly, you can check out a state vehicle and submit travel requests/expenses through Concur. 

Watch this help video: Introduction to Firefly: Getting Started

Access Firefly

Within Firefly, you will see several tiles, such as Workflow Inbox, Employee Self Service, and My Staff. Applications are accessed by clicking on tiles form the Firefly home page and are displayed depending on your job responsibilities. Each of these tiles serve as a starting point from which you can perform a number of activities.

  • Toggle button: display or hide the left side menu.
  • Home: return to the home page from any application.
  • All apps: provides a list of all applications you can access.
  • All menus: displays menus that contain multiple tiles.
  • Split view: allows you to view two applications side-by-side.
  • Most used: auto-fills as you open applications, displaying your top 10. Reset in the Settings option.
  • Favorites: you can assign applications as your favorites to easily access them.
  • Firefly News: announcements and news regarding Firefly applications.
  • Firefly Essentials: Overview & Tutorials for the new Firefly.
  • Feedback or Report a Problem: provide Firefly feedback/suggestions or if something is not working correctly, submit an online help request.
  • Your name (dropdown menu): options for Settings, Change Password (opens TrueYou in another browser window), and Firefly Help.
  • Settings: Change transition or upload/delete an image.

Standard tiles in Firefly

  • Workflow Inbox: provides a place to review and act upon all system generated actions that involve you. If you are a manager who approves leave or travel requests, you will see a list from which you can act upon those requests. If the SAP system has sent you any email, even just notifications, you will see those organized here as well. If you see a red number (other than 0) you have work waiting for you. You can also use the Workflow Inbox to delegate your approval duties during absences.
  • Employee Self Service (ESS): this is the most frequently used section of Firefly and is available to all employees. You can use it to perform activities such as viewing your paycheck stub, requesting leave or viewing leave balances, as well as updating personal information such as addresses, bank accounts or your tax withholding. You can also enroll for on-line receipt of year end W-2 tax statement.

Change your Personal Email and Phone Number in Firefly

Check out the Set your Personal Email and Phone page to change your preferred contact method to verify your identity. 

Reserve a State Vehicle in Firefly

Check out the Reserve a State Vehicle to review the reservation process for a state vehicle.