Wayne State College

Program Options

Let us help you succeed!  To apply for Graduate Studies, please review the following options to help you apply for the correct program. 

Master's Degree or Education Specialist Degree (Ed.S.)

If you are pursuing a master's degreee (MBA, MSOM, MSE) or education specialist degree (Ed.S.):

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Teaching Endorsements


If you have a teaching bachelor's degree and want to add an additional undergraduate endorsement:

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If you already have a master's degree or education specialist degree and want to add an additional teaching endorsement:

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Teaching Certification

Learn more about teaching certification.

First-time certification

If you have a bachelor's degree in a non-teaching field and are seekng your first teaching certificate:

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If you already have a teaching bachelor's degree and are seeking recertification:

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Non-Degree or Personal Enrichment

Undergraduate courses

If you are interested in taking undergraduate level courses for personal enrichment:

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Graduate courses

If you have a bachelor's or master's degree and are seeking an additional graduate endorsement, even if you have no immediate intent of pursuing a degree:

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Graduate Certificate of Advanced Studies

Counseling certificates

  • Addictions Counseling - This 12-hour certificate program offers classes typically needed in addition to a graduate counseling degree for application towards Nebraska state licensure for drug and alcohol counseling. Students and professionals may pursue this coursework if they have been accepted and are completing coursework in a graduate counseling program or related field or have a completed graduate degree in counseling or a related field. Learn more about this certificate.
  • Trauma Counseling - This 9-hour certificate program offers courses that explore how to serve clients impacted by trauma. Topics addressed are expected to include professional self-awareness, evidence-based interventions and application, and the integration of physiological responses in mental health treatment. Learn more about this certificate.

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School Administration - Educational Leadership certificate

Certificates of Advanced Studies in School Administration are available if you already have a master’s degree in Educational Administration or Educational Leadership, or received a subject area master’s degree with the completion of additional coursework in an approved program of school administration. This certificate is available to graduate level students only and requires 36 or 45 graduate credit hours. Certificate options include:

  • School Administration PK-8
  • School Administration 7-12
  • School Administration PK-12

More information about this program is available in the General and Graduate Catalog.

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Strength and Conditioning certificate

A Certificate of Advanced Studies in Strength in Conditioning is designed for students preparing for the NSCA’s Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam. Courses cover advanced topics in strength and conditioning including exercise physiology, recovery, training adaptations, sports nutrition, mental performance, exercise technique, testing, and program design.

More information about this program is available in the General and Graduate Catalog.

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Second Bachelor's Degree

If you are adding a second bachelor's degree:

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