Wayne State College

An Evening of Choirs

An Evening of Choirs

  • February 13, 2025
  • 7:30 pm
  • Ley Theatre, Brandenburg Education Building
  • Free and open to the public

Featuring WSC choirs.

WSC Choir

An Evening of Choirs concert expresses abundant gratitude through repertoire, choral unity, and rich harmony Thursday, Feb. 13, at Wayne State College. The 7:30 p.m. performance in Ley Theatre is free and open to the public. It will also be livestreamed.

Aptly titled “My Heart – THANKFUL,” the concert features performances by the WSC Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Lyrica, and Fortis. Music includes a trio of barbershop selections performed by Fortis and a rhythmic piece sung in Portuguese by Lyrica. The Chamber Choir performs a vocal jazz setting of the compelling “Wish You With Me” by Peter Eldridge with the Concert Choir featuring the jazz-infused gospel “Freedom Train” by Rollo Dilworth. “Thankful,” an inspirational ballad recorded by Josh Groban, concludes the concert with an all-choir collaboration.

Dr. Matthew Armstrong conducts the concert with piano accompaniment by Shelly Armstrong. WSC student Tyler Baue of Wausa, Neb. serves as conductor and pianist on select repertoire for Fortis, with students Kora Keslin of McCook, Neb. and Hannah Essink of Beatrice, Neb. leading some selections for Lyrica.

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For more information, contact the WSC Department of Music at 402-375-7359.