Wayne State College

Canvas Import Grading Process on WildcatsOnline



Before you import grades from Canvas into WildcatsOnline, you will need to make sure that the Grade Scheme box is checked in the Settings of the course and that the grade scheme is correct.

1. Open the Canvas course, click Settings and scroll down the Grading Scheme section.

2. Check the box to enable the Grading Scheme. Click View Grading Scheme to review the grade scale and make any changes.

Canvas grading scheme check box



1. Go to the WSC home page, click on myWSC at the top, and log in.

2. Click on WildcatsOnline from the Top Applications section.

3. Click the Faculty tab at the top and click Grade Input Allowed to the right of the course you want to import grades from.

Wildcatsonline my grade roster

4. A new window will appear. Select Grade Roster and click Final Grade from the Grade Roster type drop-down menu.

Wildcatsonline grade roster buttonWildcatsonline grade roster import canvas grades button

5. Click the Import Canvas Grades button.

6. Review the student grades and if there no issues, click Process Import. If there are issues, click Cancel and make adjusts in the Canvas course and try the process again. 

Wildcatsonline canvas grade import review

Wildcatsonline graderoster import canvas grades process import button

Note: If the import process did not work, you will see blank grades for every student. 

Wildcatsonline canvas grade import error

7. The Approval Status will be changed as normal.

8. If necessary, complete an Attendance grade on any required students.

Note: If you have not completed all the Attendance grades, you will receive the following error message.

Wildcatsonline attendance status required error message

9. Last, click Save. You can close out of the window. 

Wildcatsonline Grade Roster save button

Note: Once grades have been imported once, there will be a Canvas Import History button that is active to display history of the process. Once you click the Canvas Import History button, you will see your grade import history.

Wildcatsonline canvas grade import history

Note: Grades can be imported more than once but only up until the time grades are Posted.  At that point the import button will provide a message (unable to import grades). If an additional import is desired for some but not all grades, then uncheck the box next to the grades you do not want to update in the import from Canvas before you click the Import Canvas Grades button. 

Last Updated: 11/2/2022