6 p.m. Tuesdays
Student Center
WSC Rotaract
Wayne State College Rotaract is a service organization dedicated to helping others-locally and internationally. It is the student version of the Rotary International Club. The Rotaract club helps its members to become good citizens of the world. At WSC it allows students to get together to plan and execute activities as well as projects that benefit the college and the town.
Some activities we are involved in are:
- conducting highway clean-up each semester
- coordinating LifeServe blood drives on campus twice a semester
- holding a major fundraiser each year
- making holiday cards for Careage Care Center for each holiday
- helping with card stamping at The Oaks once a month
- hosting Grocery Bingo each spring semester
- helping with the Wayne Rotary Potato Bake
- helping with WSC Homecoming royalty voting
- volunteering at Mercy Meals
Come to a meeting and see what we're all about. New members are always welcome!
Eligibility: Open to all WSC students