Wayne State College

Make Me Admin  - Windows 10

1. Launch Make Me Admin from the Start menu. Select the Start menu, scroll down and click Make Me Admin from the list of Apps. 

Make me admin windows 10 make me admin program launch


2. When the application launches, it will determine whether you already have administrator rights. If you do not, the Grant Me Administrator Rights button will be enabled. If you do already have administrator rights, the button will be disabled, and the Remove my Admin Rights button will be enabled.

Make me admin windows 10 grant me admin rights button


Make me admin windows 10 remove my admin rights button


3. Click the Grant Me Administrator Rights button. The application will attempt to add you to the Administrators group on your computer. If this process is successful, the application window will disappear, and a new icon will be added to the notification area on the taskbar, near the date and time. A popup message will appear for a few seconds, indicating that you have been added as a Member to the Administrators group.

Make me admin windows 10 member pop up

Note: This icon will remain in the notification area as long as your administrator rights are active.

4. It is at this point that you should perform the task(s) that require administrator privileges: changing computer settings, installing or updating software, etc.

Note: You do not need to log off and on of your device in order for your administrator rights to take effect. 

Note: If you receive a prompt from User Account Control to log in, simply enter your current WSC user name and password.

5. You have 10 minutes as an Administrator to change your device settings, install or update a program, etc. After the 10 minutes, Make Me Admin will display one final popup message stating you are no longer a member of the Administrators group, and then close completely.

Make me admin windows 10 no longer member pop up

Note: You only need Administrator rights to start an install or update a program. Your install or update will continue to run even after you have been removed from the Administrator group.

6. Repeat Steps 1-5 as needed to change computer settings or install or update software. 


Last Updated: 8/8/22