Wayne State College

Update Student Contact Info on WildcatsOnline

In WildcatsOnline students can update or add their personal email address or permanent address and update, add, or delete their phone number or emergency contacts. Students can also set their preferred email address and phone number. This helps Wayne State College to know how best to contact them.

To change your personal contact information, go to the WSC home page, click on myWSC at the top, and log in. Then click on WildcatsOnline from the Top Applications section.


Update/Add Personal Email Address

1. Click the Profile tab across the top of the page.

2. Click the Edit Email button.

Wildcatsonline edit email

3. To update your personal email addresses click on the Edit button. In the new window, click Edit to edit any current email address.

Wildcatsonline edit perferred email

In the Edit view, you can change the Email Type by using the drop-down selector, change the Email Address or set it as your Preferred Email address by checking the box. Click the Save Email button to save the changes or Cancel to discard any changes.

Wildcatsonline edit email address

To add an email address, click Add Email button. Select the Email Type by using the drop-down selector, then type your new email address and click Save Email.

Wildcatsonline save email

To return to the Profile tab, click Return to Profile.


Update/Add Phone number

1. Click the Profile tab across the top of the page.

2. Click the Edit button under the Phone Numbers section.

Wildcatsonline phone numbers edit

3. To add, update or delete your phones numbers click on the Edit or Delete buttons. The Delete button will bring up a window asking if you want to permanently delete the phone number, click OK to confirm.

Wildcatsonline select phone number to edit

Click Edit to edit any current phone number.

In the Edit view, you can change the Phone Type by using the drop-down selector, change the Phone Number, Country Code and Extension or set it as your Preferred phone number by checking the box. Click the Save Phone button to save the changes or Cancel to discard any changes.

Wildcatsonline phone type


To add a phone number, click Add Phone. Select the Phone Type by using the drop-down selector, then type your new phone number and click Save Phone.

Wildcatsonline save phone

To return to the Profile tab, click Return to Profile.


Last Updated: 11/26/2019