Wayne State College

Firefly - Set Personal Email Address and Phone Number

1. Login to Firefly using your NUID and password.

Firefly login page

Note: If you need to reset or change your Firefly password, follow the steps on this help sheet


2. Click on the Employee Self Service box.

Firefly Employee Self Service box

3. Click the About Me box.

Firefly about me box

4. Under the Addresses section, click on the Edit button (shaped like a pencil) on the Permanent line.

Firefly permanent address edit
5. In the Email address box, type in your Personal Email address.
Firefly permanent address edit text boxes

Note: Do not type in your WSC email address. Your WSC email address does not work for password resets.


6. In the Telephone No box, type in your personal landline phone number or leave it blank.

Note: Do not type in your WSC office phone number as it will not work for password resets.

7. In the Telephone No 2 box, type in your personal cell phone number.

8. In the Telephone Number/ Type 2 box, select Cell from the drop-down menu.

9. Click  the Save button to finalize your changes.


Please contact the Campus Service Center at 402-375-7107 or visit us in the library if you are still experiencing issues.


Last Updated: 9/11/2019