Wayne State College

Lost Username or Password


Your Username is:

- The first two letters of your first name.

- The first four letters of your last name.

- A two-digit number (01 for most people; those with common names often have larger numbers like 02, 03, etc.). 


- A fifth letter of your last name and a one-digit number if you have a faculty/staff role. 

You can also lookup your username using the Lookup NUID or Username link on our TrueYou Self Service page. Select the text Provide other identification to lookup NUID, fillout the form and click  Lookup Account ID.  

Reset Your Password

Click on the Forgotten Password link on our TrueYou Self Service page.


Please contact the Campus Service Center for further assistance at [email protected] or 402-375-7107.



Last Updated: 4/25/2022