Wayne State College

Register for Classes on WildcatsOnline

1. Go to the WSC home page, click on myWSC at the top, and log in.

2. Select WildcatsOnline from the Top Applications section.

3. Click on the Enrollment tab.

4. In the Spring, students can register for Summer and Fall semesters.  Be certain to choose the correct term.

Wildcatsonline spring registration semester options

5. In the Shopping Cart section:

    - Search for classes by typing a class name, number or subject into the search box. See "Advanced Search" section below if you're having trouble finding a course.

Wildcatsonline course drop down menu

    - A list of possible classes will appear from your search. Click on the correct course and the available sections will appear in a new pop-up window. To enroll in the course, add a class to the Shopping Cart by clicking on the class in the pop-up window.

Note: Open classes will be listed with a green open next to the class name. Closed classes will have a red closed next to the class name.  

Wildcatsonline select class section

    - To remove a class from the Shopping Cart, click on the course number and drop-down menu will appear; select Drop from Shopping Cart.

Wildcatsonline drop from shopping cart

    - To select a different section of the same course, click on the course number and drop-down menu will appear; select the Swap from Shopping Cart.

Wildcatsonline swap from shopping cart

6. Finalize your enrollment in a class by clicking on the Enrollment Checkout button. Then, check the box next to the course name and click the Enroll Selected button.

Wildcatsonline enrollment checkout
Wildcatsonline check box enrollment checkout
Wildcatsonline enroll selected

7. Next, read the statement and select I understand.

Wildcatsonline statement

My Classes

View your class schedule for the current term.

Wildcatsonline my classesTo view additional information about a particular course, click on the course name and a drop-down menu will appear. Select the Enrollment Class Detail option.

Wildcatsonline enrollment class detail enrolled

To drop a class, click on the course name and a drop-down menu will appear. Select the Drop from Enrollment option.

Wildcatsonline drop from enrollment

To view Building Locationclick on the course name and a drop-down menu will appear. Select the Building Location option.

Wildcatsonline building location


Dropped Classes

Any classes that have been dropped for the current term will be listed under Dropped Classes.

Wildcatsonline dropped classes


Advanced Search

1. Navigate to the Enrollment tab. Click the Advanced Search button that appears next to the search bar.

showing the location of the advanced search function in wildcatsonline

2. From here you can search for classes by Term, Subjet, Academic Career, Mode of Instruction, Last Name of instructor, days of the week, Session, Course Key Word, Class Start Time, Class End Time, and Requirement Designation. Once you've selected to typed your preferred means of searching, click the Search button at the bottom.

showing the full form for the advanced search function in WildcatsOnline

Classes that match the information you selected or filled in the advanced search will now appear in the results.

If you have questions regarding the registration process, please contact the Records & Registration Office at (402) 375-7239.

Last Updated: 06/17/2022