Wayne State College
Deciding Students - We can help you choose a major.

Not sure about a major?

Don't panic! We have the tools and resources to help you decide.

Undeclared students

Students who are in the process of selecting a college major may be referred to as "undeclared." If you haven't made specific life plans yet, that's okay! They are big decisions to make, and asking for help is a good move. You will be pleased to find guidance in choosing a major when you come to Wayne State College. We are here for you so you don't have to face this decision alone.

We'll help you ask the right questions.
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
What skills do I want to learn?
What kind of careers will let me live the life I want?

We’ll connect you to the right people.
Wayne State College is full of people who can help you find your passion. We’ll make sure you find the right connections to get all you can out of your time at WSC.

We’ll help you make a plan for the future.
Learning doesn’t stop when you leave college. We’ll make sure you have a plan to continue to be successful as you move on to your professional life.

accounting degree fact sheet


Did you know?

10% of students enter Wayne State College undecided about a major

As many as 8 out of 10 college students change their major at least once

Students who change their major are 33% more likely to graduate

Wayne State College offers more than 130+ programs of study, or you can combine them to design your own as an interdisciplinary studies major

Academic Schools and Programs

Wayne State College has four academic schools with 15 departments and more than 130 programs of study. 

Not sure where to start?

skills learned

Holland Academic Success Center

The Holland Academic Success Center helps you if you’re unsure of your academic major and career directions. They can help you choose classes, explore different career possibilities, and make a plan for your future. Even if you have a major but are not sure about your decision, you may elect to visit with one of the Holland advisers about your choices.

Visit us
Conn Library, Room 232
[email protected]



Career Services

Career Services provides several career exploration resources, including access to current occupational data, job outlook and industry growth, and research materials to help select the right major, in addition to providing the help you need to find an internship and land a job after graduation.

Visit us
Kanter Student Center, Room 101
(first floor)
[email protected]

Career Services

Design your own major

If the degree you are looking for is not one of our 130+ programs of study, you can combine courses from two or more programs to create your own interdisciplinary studies major.

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